Always wanted a Gubbels on your wall? This is your chance!

We now have a special offer on three works by Klaas Gubbels! These brightly colored coffeepots are made of painted cardboard and beautifully framed in wood. These fun works of art were made in 1993 and recently discovered in the studio of Klaas Gubbels!

Our special offer: a coffeepot by Gubbels for only €1250!

The coffeepots by Gubbels in yellow, black and blue are now online at!


If you are interested in a work of art and would like to see it in real life, it is possible to come by at the gallery store. Or we can come by your house to view the work of art or design in your own home!

For questions you can also contact us by email at or call Wiet Hekking at +31651382202.